In 2019 Oldenburg celebrated its premier as a oemof meeting host. We had about 40 participants from 10 different organisations. New formats were presented like the speed poster season and an issue auction. (Note for further meetings: Noone wants energy drinks as price.)
Category: Workshops and Conferences
Next oemof developer and user meeting in May 2019
The next oemof meeting will take place in Oldenburg from 15th to 17th of May. The event is hosted by the DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems. It will combine the 3rd annual user meeting and the 10th biannual developer meeting.
The developer meeting aims at the specification of upcoming features and functions within oemof. The user meeting gives the opportunity to improve and accelerate your work by exchanging with other users. This second part officially starts on Thursday (May 16th) after lunch. It will include an introduction to oemof v0.3.
Anyone who is interested is cordially invited to participate. Please find detailed information and the topics we collected up to now at If you want to register or have topics to add, please contact us at or via email ( We will develop the agenda based on your input.
Growing developer community at the 9th oemof developer meeting in Flensburg
Last week the 8th oemof developer meeting took place in Flensburg. More and more people use the oemof framework for their projects and are ready to participate in the developing process.
The developer meeting is always a good place to meet the people behind the scenes, introduce own problems on energy system modelling and gradually learn about the structures of the developing process.
Continue reading “Growing developer community at the 9th oemof developer meeting in Flensburg”9th oemof developer meeting – 5-7 November in Flensburg
In the beginning of November the next oemof developer meeting takes place in Flensburg.
Our developer meetings take place every six months and aim at the further development of new features and functions within oemof. Moreover we will discuss the future community structure and the collaborative programming process.
Anyone who is interested is cordially invited to participate. Please find detailled information and the topics we collected up to now here:
If you want to be part of it or have topics to add, please contact us via or
Modelling cooling concepts for Oman with oemof
From 2nd to 6th September 2018, the Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin supported a training course on sustainable energy concepts at the Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) in Muscat, Oman. The course, jointly led by experts from the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), the Research Council of Oman (TRC) and the Centre for Community Service & Continuing Education at SQU, applied oemof to model cooling concepts in Oman.
Continue reading “Modelling cooling concepts for Oman with oemof”
2nd oemof user meeting brings growing community together
Our second oemof user meeting was successfully held in May 2018 at Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg. Thanks to all participants for joining us. We were very impressed by the variety of topics that oemof is used for.
Continue reading “2nd oemof user meeting brings growing community together”Update: oemof user meeting – May 8th, 2018
The user meeting takes place on May 8th, 2018 from 10 am. You can find the agenda and further information here. Optionally we can have a dinner in the evening and take the morning of the next day to continue our work in the working groups. But if you can come for only one day that’s totally fine. We look forward to welcoming you in Magdeburg!
If you haven’t registered yet or if you have any questions, please write to
oemof user meeting
You are using oemof? Then take the chance to improve and accelerate your work by exchanging with other users at the oemof meeting in Magdeburg from 7th to 9th of May. We invite you to have a look at our thread in the openmod forum we opened for that purpose and to participate in the discussion.
8th oemof meeting – 7-9 May in Magdeburg
The upcoming oemof developer and user meeting is hosted by the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg from 7th to 9th of May, 2018. The meeting is focused on the organization of collaborative programming as well as more in-depth further development of oemof functionalities. The developer meeting takes place every sixth months and is the oemof community’s most important workshop. New members are very welcome to collaborate on the open modeling framework.
All those who wish to use oemof or wish to incorporate their ideas on the further development of the framework are invited to connect at the meeting, to introduce their applications, and to answer open questions. If you wish to attend please send an Email to
oemof Webinar – slides download
Many thanks for your interest and the great feedback to our webinar! Special thanks to BMWi’s Research Network Energy System Analysis – Working Group 3 for organizing and hosting. The slides can be downloaded here.