The oemof community gathered from 4th to 6th of December 2019 for the developer meeting in the Beuth-Halle at Beuth University of Applied Sciences. Besides the celebration of oemof’s 5th birthday we intensely worked together (among others) on the further development of oemof libraries, the facades structure of components, rolling horizon approaches, GitHub Workflows and the improvement of the website. We gathered first ideas for an oemof foundation and shared experiences with paid support. We also decided the unbundling of oemof and solph, so that the next major release will be a v0.4.0 solph release. Apart from the intense work we celebrated oemof’s 5th birthday with a nice birthday cake and a funny presentation of the history of oemof’s development.

If you are interested in what we have discussed in particular, we invite you to have a look in our wiki:
Many thanks to those of you who gave insights into their work through presentations. The presentation slides can be downloaded here.
The developer meeting is always a good place to meet people behind the scenes, introduce own problems on energy system modelling and gradually learn about the structures of the developing process. The next meeting will be at the University Bremen from 13th to 15th of May 2020. If you want to get an announcement, please follow our news blog.
Thanks to all participants for joining us! We are happy to see the oemof community keeps on growing and we hope to see you again at the next meeting!