Update: oemof user meeting – May 8th, 2018

The user meeting takes place on May 8th, 2018 from 10 am. You can find the agenda and further information here. Optionally we can have a dinner in the evening and take the morning of the next day to continue our work in the working groups. But if you can come for only one day that’s totally fine. We look forward to welcoming you in Magdeburg!

If you haven’t registered yet or if you have any questions, please write to oemof2018@rl-institut.de

Gambling Generator – v0.2.1

This late winter/early spring release comprises some new features like minimum up- and downtime constraints and some new functions for the processing of results. Some bug fixes and improvements keep oemof functional and up-to-date.

Checkout the ‘What’s new’ section of the actual documentation for more detailed information.

With this release the pyomo issue is fixed. Please upgrade oemof to bring everything in line (see below for v0.1.x and v0.2.x). Continue reading “Gambling Generator – v0.2.1”

8th oemof meeting – 7-9 May in Magdeburg

The upcoming oemof developer and user meeting is hosted by the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg from 7th to 9th of May, 2018. The meeting is focused on the organization of collaborative programming as well as more in-depth further development of oemof functionalities. The developer meeting takes place every sixth months and is the oemof community’s most important workshop. New members are very welcome to collaborate on the open modeling framework.

All those who wish to use oemof or wish to incorporate their ideas on the further development of the framework are invited to connect at the meeting, to introduce their applications, and to answer open questions. If you wish to attend please send an Email to oemof2018@rl-institut.de.

Toddle Turbine – v0.2.0

Let us start the new year with a new major release.

Unlike the release title this version will be more stable due to an improved testing environment.

With more than 700 commits, 100 issues and pull requests from 14 contributors this has been the release with the highest contribution of the oemof community. We improved the structure and the documentation to make it even easier to contribute in the future. Join our community and become a contributor of the next release. Continue reading “Toddle Turbine – v0.2.0”

New developers inspired by the 7th oemof developer meeting

Our 7th oemof developer and organisation meeting took place at the Center for Sustainable Energy Systems at the Europa-Universität Flensburg from 4th to 6th December. We were very happy to welcome a lot of new people to the community! Thereby it became the biggest oemof developer meeting ever.

Continue reading “New developers inspired by the 7th oemof developer meeting”

7th developer and organisation meeting – 4-6 December in Flensburg

After the oemof User Meeting in May 2017 at RLI in Berlin the focus of the upcoming meeting lies on the organisation of collaborative programming as well as the more in-depth development and expansion of oemof functions and the release of v0.2.0. Continue reading “7th developer and organisation meeting – 4-6 December in Flensburg”

New project oemof_heat has started

At October 19th 2017, the research project oemof_heat started with a kick-off workshop in the facilities of the Reiner Lemoine Institute. The project’s goal is to investigate the potential of coupling electricity and heat sector. Therefore, the open energy modelling framework (oemof) will be expanded, based on existing work on heat system modelling within oemof, and corresponding scenarios will be developed. In the next three years we focus on district heating systems, heat storage and process heat applications.

Continue reading “New project oemof_heat has started”