TESPy version 0.1.0 published

With the first release of a minor version, TESPy takes an important step for future development: We have added software tests and a first benchmark case testing results of TESPy vs. results of a different commercial software. On top, the API-documentation has been revised and improved in many places. Examples for every component as well as all major modules and classes (network, network_reader, connection, bus) provide support for the users! Continue reading “TESPy version 0.1.0 published”

The first single zero release of windpowerlib (v0.1.0)

The windpowerlib has taken a major step and released v0.1.0. The code has been cleaned up, new features were added and a comprehensive testing environment guarantees more stability.

The new release equips the windpowerlib with a large amount of new functionalities. A major change is the modelling of wind farms where wake Continue reading “The first single zero release of windpowerlib (v0.1.0)”

TESPy version 0.0.3 available

The third release of TESPy is available at PyPI:

TESPy (Thermal Engineering Systems in Python) is a new software in the oemof cosmos. It supplies a large toolbox for simulation of thermal processes, such as heat pumps, thermal power plants or heating networks. You can use TESPy for the design of your plants and predict the offdesign performance. This way TESPy can provide characteristics, for instance the backpressure-line of a chp or temperature dependent COP of a heat pump, for your energy system optimization in oemof.solph.

Version 0.0.3 provides a new component, improved convergence stability as well as some other new features!

See the What’s New section of the documentation for detailed information. Use github for bug reports.

Have fun working with TESPy!

Gambling Generator – v0.2.1

This late winter/early spring release comprises some new features like minimum up- and downtime constraints and some new functions for the processing of results. Some bug fixes and improvements keep oemof functional and up-to-date.

Checkout the ‘What’s new’ section of the actual documentation for more detailed information.

With this release the pyomo issue is fixed. Please upgrade oemof to bring everything in line (see below for v0.1.x and v0.2.x). Continue reading “Gambling Generator – v0.2.1”

Toddle Turbine – v0.2.0

Let us start the new year with a new major release.

Unlike the release title this version will be more stable due to an improved testing environment.

With more than 700 commits, 100 issues and pull requests from 14 contributors this has been the release with the highest contribution of the oemof community. We improved the structure and the documentation to make it even easier to contribute in the future. Join our community and become a contributor of the next release. Continue reading “Toddle Turbine – v0.2.0”

Spring fever (learning how to test properly)

There was a little difference that made the examples run in the last release if you installed oemof locally but not if you installed it from pypi. Thus, they did not work with version 0.1.2.

Now we learned how to test them properly, applied a hotfix and released two versions again, due to superstitions (1.3 is almost a 13). The actual version is now v.0.1.4. It is not true but a nice story and due to the open philosophy errors like these fortunately show up really quick :smirk:

Have a look at the 0.1.2 release to see the real changes and stay tuned!