DHNx (v0.0.1) – Gorgeous Grids

We just published the first release of DHNx!

With DHNx, we introduce a package for district heating network optimization and simulation models.

The aim of DHNx is to develop a library for the planning and modelling of district heating network systems. The package has two main features: the optimization (routing and sizing) of district heating network systems, and the hydraulic and thermal simulation of a district heating network with given pipe diameters.

Examples can be found here here.

oemof.thermal (v0.0.4) – Virtuous Validation

We have just published the fourth release of the oemof.thermal repository.

With the fourth release of oemof-thermal we have validated the compression heat pump, the compression chiller and the stratified thermal storage using data provided by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the energy supplier Naturstrom AG. The results are provided in the documentation.

Continue reading “oemof.thermal (v0.0.4) – Virtuous Validation”

oemof.thermal (v0.0.3) – Amazing Absorption

We just published the third release of the oemof.thermal repository.

It’s time to proudly introduce a new component – the absorption chiller. Within the module we provide functions to calculate, among others, the characteristic equation, the coefficient of performance and the cooling capacity. See the documentation for more information.

All modules have been updated to oemof.solph v0.4

See the What’s new section for further details about the third release.

oemof.solph v0.4 – Unique Unbundling

After oemof v0.3.2, we decided to make oemof’s structure more clear: Both, the framework (including e.g. TESPy) and the Package for energy system optimisation (using solph) were called the same – oemof. With the release of v0.4.0, there are now split packages for oemof.solph, oemof.network, and oemof.tools.

Continue reading “oemof.solph v0.4 – Unique Unbundling”

TESPy v0.3.0 – Mayer’s Merit

The third major version of TESPy – Mayer’s Merit – has been released together with a paper in the Journal of Open Source Software, available at the Open Journals website. The new version carries many new features, improved calculation stability for fluid mixtures and back end changes. Continue reading “TESPy v0.3.0 – Mayer’s Merit”

oemof.thermal (v0.0.2) – Fancy Facades

We just published the second release of the oemof.thermal repository.

A brand-new feature are the facade classes that simplify instantiating the components. Facades for these three components are now ready to be used: SolarThermalCollector, ParabolicTroughCollector and StratifiedThermalStorage.

The documentation has been revised and extended. The repository now has function tests, and the facades are tested with constraints test.

See the What’s new section for further details of the second release.

There will be a tutorial about the oemof.thermal repository at the upcoming virtual oemof developer and user meeting.

TESPy v0.2.x – Clausius’ Circus and Fourier’s Fable

The second major version (Clausius’ Circus) of TESPy has been released in January 2020 and version 0.2.1 – Fourier’s Fable just three weeks after. The release contains many back end improvements to facilitate future development as well as some new features. Continue reading “TESPy v0.2.x – Clausius’ Circus and Fourier’s Fable”

First release of oemof.thermal (v0.0.1)

We are happy to announce the first release of the oemof.thermal package (v0.0.1) to model thermal energy systems: https://github.com/oemof/oemof-thermal

The package includes the following four components: stratified thermal storage, compression heat pumps and chillers, solar thermal collectors and concentrating solar power.

Please find the documentation of the components and examples here: https://oemof-thermal.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

If you find bugs or have suggestions for improvement we would be happy if you write an issue here: https://github.com/oemof/oemof-thermal/issues

Wonderful windpowerlib release v0.2.0

We are happy to present to you a new major release and therewith freshly revised windpowerlib!

The windpowerlib is a library that provides a set of functions and classes to calculate the power output of wind turbines and farms. It was founded to build a community concentrating on wind power models. Have a look at the what’s new for more information on what has changed and the examples for a quick start into the windpowerlib.

We are also happy to see that the number of users of the windpowerlib is steadily increasing. We therefore find it important to keep the API changes to a minimum from now on and announce changes well in advance. We also decided to support v0.1.3 for some more time in case you don’t want to upgrade your code to v0.2.0.

v0.3.1 – Buggy Battery

With v0.3, the API of the GenericStorage has changed. Due to the open structure of solph, the old parameter names were still accepted, but practically ignored. Therefore users may not notice that a default value is used instead of the value they wanted. Especially after an update from v0.2.x to v0.3.0, code often still runs but produces different results. With the new v0.3.1 release, an error is raised when legacy parameter names are used. We work on a structure to avoid such problems in the future. To update, just:

pip install oemof --upgrade