Comment on recently published book about oemof

Recently a book about oemof [1] has been published. As explicitly stated by the author, this book is not written by the oemof community. Generally, books about software can be a good source to give newcomers a comprehensive view of a field and show how the software can be used to approach problems in that field. In this sense, they can fulfill a purpose that goes beyond what can be reached by the documentation written by the programmers.

However, this book stays rather close to the code and much of the information provided is outdated or not presented correctly. Continue reading “Comment on recently published book about oemof”

The first single zero release of windpowerlib (v0.1.0)

The windpowerlib has taken a major step and released v0.1.0. The code has been cleaned up, new features were added and a comprehensive testing environment guarantees more stability.

The new release equips the windpowerlib with a large amount of new functionalities. A major change is the modelling of wind farms where wake Continue reading “The first single zero release of windpowerlib (v0.1.0)”