Many thanks for your interest and the great feedback to our webinar! Special thanks to BMWi’s Research Network Energy System Analysis – Working Group 3 for organizing and hosting. The slides can be downloaded here.
Category: Workshops and Conferences
oemof Webinar – 10.01.2018
We will present the open energy modelling framework in a webinar on January 10th 2018 from 11 a.m. – 12 noon. Continue reading “oemof Webinar – 10.01.2018”
New developers inspired by the 7th oemof developer meeting
Our 7th oemof developer and organisation meeting took place at the Center for Sustainable Energy Systems at the Europa-Universität Flensburg from 4th to 6th December. We were very happy to welcome a lot of new people to the community! Thereby it became the biggest oemof developer meeting ever.
Continue reading “New developers inspired by the 7th oemof developer meeting”
7th developer and organisation meeting – 4-6 December in Flensburg
After the oemof User Meeting in May 2017 at RLI in Berlin the focus of the upcoming meeting lies on the organisation of collaborative programming as well as the more in-depth development and expansion of oemof functions and the release of v0.2.0. Continue reading “7th developer and organisation meeting – 4-6 December in Flensburg”
New project oemof_heat has started
At October 19th 2017, the research project oemof_heat started with a kick-off workshop in the facilities of the Reiner Lemoine Institute. The project’s goal is to investigate the potential of coupling electricity and heat sector. Therefore, the open energy modelling framework (oemof) will be expanded, based on existing work on heat system modelling within oemof, and corresponding scenarios will be developed. In the next three years we focus on district heating systems, heat storage and process heat applications.
Open energy modelling in Central Asia
Within a scientific exchange between the Center for Sustainable Energy Systems (ZNES) in Flensburg, Germany, and National Laboratory Astana at Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan, oemof and the relevance of open modelling and data has been highlighted on a scientific cross-border forum between Kazakhstan and Russia. The forum was organized by Young Researchers Association at First President Foundation of Republic Kazakhstan and held over several days in Astana and Burabay.
First oemof user meeting was held in May 2017
The first oemof user meeting was successfully held in May 2017 at the Reiner Lemoine Institute in Berlin.
Continue reading “First oemof user meeting was held in May 2017”
Preliminary program of the oemof user meeting 2017
We are happy to announce the program of the first oemof user meeting. The meeting will include a broad range of hands on presentations showing the variability and possible applications of oemof and will leave plenty of room to discuss and get in contact with other users and developers. Continue reading “Preliminary program of the oemof user meeting 2017”
oemof user meeting 2017
oemof – exchange, learn how to use, meet community and experience what is new.
The oemof developer group invites you for the oemof 2017 user meeting, hosted on May 9/10 at the Reiner Lemoine Institut in Berlin.
The meeting aims to connect users for exchange about how to use the framework. The growing community already developed a bunch of applications based on oemof, we would like to share among the oemof user group. Get in touch with users and developers, get inspired by applications of others and discuss new ideas! Continue reading “oemof user meeting 2017”