The last days, we had our semi-annual meeting to discuss the state of open energy system modelling. This time in the flavour of a user meeting with a special 10-year celebration event. I am so happy that I can tell that the concept worked out: We had almost 40 guests, some of them were on their first oemof meeting. Still, they dynamically formed sub-groups for parallel sessions, had fruitful discussions, shared experiences, and eventually started implementing something together. To kick this off, we asked every participant to give a short pitch at the first day. This was quite a ride, but due to coffee breaks and a poster session in the DLR entry hall, it was possible to identify many persons you wanted to talk to later.

You can find slides of the presentations and minutes of the break out group in the public directory of Some of this might still need to be sorted, but we made some major decisions that we can already share:
- The documentation will get a modernized look and structure.
- We plan to have a number of tutorials that explain solph along the storyline of a real-world problem rather than starting with abstract concepts.
- We want to offer online meetings you can join to ask questions. (Details are not fixed, yet. We are collecting volunteers at the moment.)
- Pointing to example use cases or models as well as applications by others is also part of or new transfer concept. (Interactive solph graph using Dash can be seen as the first showcase example. If find something interesting, please share!)
- We reached agreement over several things to redactor in the following months. There is the plan to have (possibly online) sprints to get these done.
The general assembly of the oemof association was also part of the meeting. At this occasion, Sarah Berendes was elected to joins the board of the oemof association. Thus, she is now our new treasurer. Welcome! We are looking forward to working with you!
Finally, special thanks goes to the guys at the Mainframe Oldenburg, who opened their hack-space for our “tutored hackathon” on Friday. We really enjoyed being your guests and received a lot of positive feedback for the welcoming atmosphere that really sparks creativity. We already have some improvements implemented by people who did not contribute before.