Preliminary program of the oemof user meeting 2017

We are happy to announce the program of the first oemof user meeting. The meeting will include a broad range of hands on presentations showing the variability and possible applications of oemof and will leave plenty of room to discuss and get in contact with other users and developers. Continue reading “Preliminary program of the oemof user meeting 2017”

Spring fever (learning how to test properly)

There was a little difference that made the examples run in the last release if you installed oemof locally but not if you installed it from pypi. Thus, they did not work with version 0.1.2.

Now we learned how to test them properly, applied a hotfix and released two versions again, due to superstitions (1.3 is almost a 13). The actual version is now v.0.1.4. It is not true but a nice story and due to the open philosophy errors like these fortunately show up really quick :smirk:

Have a look at the 0.1.2 release to see the real changes and stay tuned!

The oemof springtime release (v0.1.2)

The winter is gone, spring cleaning is done and we come up with a new release…

A revision of the installation guidelines and the examples will make it easier for new users to enter the world of oemof. Additionally, some new features have been imlemented besides a cleaned up code base:
Continue reading “The oemof springtime release (v0.1.2)”

Preprint of oemof research paper published

A research paper that analyses how oemof addresses actual and future challenges in energy system modelling has been published by Simon Hilpert and co-authors in a preprint version. Feedback is highly appreciated!

Read the full text version or add comments at


The process of modelling energy systems is accompanied by challenges inherently connected with mathematical modelling. Continue reading “Preprint of oemof research paper published”

oemof user meeting 2017

oemof – exchange, learn how to use, meet community and experience what is new.

The oemof developer group invites you for the oemof 2017 user meeting, hosted on May 9/10 at the Reiner Lemoine Institut in Berlin.

The meeting aims to connect users for exchange about how to use the framework. The growing community already developed a bunch of applications based on oemof, we would like to share among the oemof user group. Get in touch with users and developers, get inspired by applications of others and discuss new ideas! Continue reading “oemof user meeting 2017”

Improved website under

Yesterday we launched our improved website which now contains a library description, a list of applications and a gallery under the new domain We are planning to make this site the central place for people who are interested in oemof by providing a general overview. If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Initial release of renpassG!S

This week, the first version of the oemof-application renpassG!S has been released!

renpassG!S is an easy-to-use application designed to model the cost-minimal dispatch of energy supply systems. Technically speaking, it is a so-called numerical partial equilibrium model of a liberalised electricity market often referred to as fundamental model.

More information and some screenshots of possible outcomes can be found here:

The great revision

We proudly present the totally revised version of oemof!

Now oemof is more flexible, better documented and ready to join for new contributors and users.

The framework provides the basis for a great range of different energy system model types, ranging from LP bottom-up (power and heat) economic dispatch models with optional investment to MILP operational unit commitment models.

Continue reading “The great revision”