oemof general assembly 2022/05

We invite you to a general assembly (GA) of the oemof association that will take place on the 19th of May as part of the oemof user/dev meeting in Flensburg. The assembly will be located at the meetings venue (European University Flensburg Building VIL1, Auf dem Campus 1, Flensburg) and start at 14:00.


  1. Opening and welcome
  2. Agreement on the agenda
  3. Acceptance of the minutes of the last GA
  4. Changed statute
  5. Bylaws and membership fee regulations
  6. Miscellaneous

The changed statute can be found at GitHub (binding German version, informative English translation). The changes are marginal and probably required by the German authorities. We decided to let the GA decide before the authorities file a formal complaint. Formally, the decision will be on the full (changed) statute rather than the changes, as it makes live easier to have everything in one protocol. According to our statute, all members can already vote on the changed statute. To do so, you can leave a review (approve/object) at the PR at GitHub. Alternatively, you can write an email to patrik.schoenfeldt@dlr.de to get instructions how to vote by (paper) mail.

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