Projects are research and other projects where oemof is applied or developed.
- open_FRED
- oemof_heat
- ENaQ
- open_MODEX
- oemof-barbados
- Add your own project
Time period: 08/2016 – 01/2019
Project website:
The open_FRED project aims at providing consistent and open data (power plant, climate, and basic data) as well as open source tools to generate feed-in time series of fluctuating renewable energy sources. Weather data customised for energy system modelers is generated using the COSMO-CLM model and along with the other data made accessible under an open data license.
Time period: 07/2017 – 06/2020
Project website:
The oemof framework will be expanded by components for the heat supply. In oemof_heat we have a special focus on systems with different supply functions like space heating, sector coupling, heat grids and process heat. We will answer research questions in cooperation with associated partners having practical problems as well as methodological questions in cooperation with the open source community.
Time period: 11/2017 – 10/2022
Project website:
The project QUARREE100 aims to develop resilient, scalable and transferable energy system solutions for built-up urban districts which facilitate a high share of renewable energies in all energy sectors, the integration of the urban district in the overall energy system and the provision of broad opportunities for participation for local and regional stakeholders.
Time period: 01/2018 – 12/2023
Project website:
ENaQ strives for decentralised energy supply in a district area. The energy supply is controlled by an intelligent energy management system. The concept pursues the idea of increasing energy efficiency by avoiding ‘waste energy’ and striving to maximise local consumption of energy generated in the neighbourhood. A participatory development process is being pursued. The energy supply is controlled by an intelligent energy management system.
Time period: 07/2018 – 06/2021
Project website:
GRECO is a multinational research project funded by the European Commission. Its main goal is putting Open Science and other Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approaches into action in a real research project in the photovoltaic sector.
Time period: 01/2019 – 12/2021
Project website:
In the open_MODEX project, five open-source frameworks for energy system analysis are analyzed and compared. The aim is to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the individual frameworks and to identify similarities, differences, and possible synergies between the frameworks. This will simplify the selection of suitable models for concrete research questions in the future. These five open-source frameworks are compared: oemof, urbs,GENESYS-2, GENeSYS-MOD, Balmorel
Time period: 2017 – 2020
Project website:
The project aims to assess different storage technology options of the underground storage technologies in the context of the Germany Energy Transition. The oemof tabular application is a sector coupled dispatch and investment model for DE with its neighbors for years 2030, 2040, 2050. Scenarios are based on the the TYNDP2018 and on the E-Highway scenarios.
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