Models are concrete applications which contain code developed in the Projects and are published e.g. on GitHub. The models shown here are either usable or repositories in development with set up energy systems. Why coding from the scratch? Use existing models and improve them! Open source mentality? Check!
- Multi-vector simulator
- Offgridders
- Wärmetool
- renpassG!S
- Spreadsheet Energy System Model Generator
- Add your own model
Multi-vector simulator
Project: E-LAND
The multi-vector simulator (MVS) allows the evaluation of local sector-coupled energy systems that include the energy carriers electricity, heat and/or gas. It automatically sets up the energy system from a choice of components and then performs a capacity and/or dispatch optimization as well as cost and performance evaluation. A graphical user interface will be integrated.
GitHub: MVS
The Model Template for Residential Energy Supply Systems simplifies the creation of energy system models that optimise the utilisation of electricity and heat supply facilities. It does so by offering a yaml interface that allows to define sizes of different energy supply options and according prices. Also, the internal meta-classes for oemof.solph can be used to facilitate the creation of individual energy system models.
Project: N/A
Offgridders optimizes and evaluates a local electricity system, primarily in context of electrification. The energy model is set-up from a choice of components and can include a connection to an (unreliable) central grid. A shortage, minimal renewable share or stability constraint can be activated. A batch of scenarios, ie. multiple project sites or sensitivity experiments, can be evaluated.
GitHub: Offgridders
Project: ENavi
Web-based stakeholder empowerment tool (StEmp) for Groß-Trebbow. The tool can be used to compare different heating technologies for a household or an association of several households (quarters) with regard to economic and ecological aspects. The tool can be used on the following page:
Online Tool: : Link
GitHub: Wärmetool
renpassG!S is an easy-to-use application designed to model the cost-minimal dispatch of energy supply systems. Technically speaking, it is a so-called numerical partial equilibrium model of a liberalised electricity market often referred to as fundamental model. Making use of the broad functionality of oemof, the application enables the user to calculate easy-to-understand energy system scenarios for different regions in spreadsheet format (CSV), optimizing the power plant dispatch at minimum costs. Results are exported into spreadsheet format as well and can be easily accessed using suitable software such as LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel.
GitHub: renpassG!S
Spreadsheet Energy System Model Generator
Used Libraries:oemof.solph, demandlib, feedinlib, windpowerlib
Project: R2Q
The Spreadsheet Energy System Model Generator allows the modeling and optimization of energy systems without the need for programming skills. The components defined in this spreadsheet are defined with the included Python program and the open source Python library “oemof”, assembled to an energy system and optimized with the open source solver “CBC”. The modeling results can be viewed and analyzed using a browser-based results output.
Add your own model
Add your own model – please use this form to tell us about your model (model description should not exceed 400 characters; please add the repository link to your model).